22 December 2007

Christmas in Oz..

I am English, but living in Australia. Christmas is so different here to the UK. The main difference is obviously the weather. I spoke with my Mum the other day, and they are experiencing minus temperatures even during the day! The other big difference is the hype. In England Christmas shopping starts as early as September for some people. The shops are open all hours and it is chaos! Things sell out, people get very moody and angry if they can't have everything they want. People get into terrible debt, trying buy their kids far too much. It is so sad really. I often think that as the weather is so miserable for such a big part of the year, maybe Christmas is something to look forward to. But when you go so mad over something, you can guarantee that you are always going to feel disappointed. Here in Australia, this is my 3rd Christmas and I love the way it is so much more relaxed. Sure everyone wants nice food and the shops are busier, but there is not that sheer panic that the shops will be closed for a whole day!! Anyway I intend to do nothing here at chilled out Mission Beach except spend time with the people I like and have a drink or two.....

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